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50K Cingleres de La Febrò (CDF)

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Output: November 8

Time: 09:00h

Place: Prades

Awards: €8,500

Distance: 52.4 km

Positive slope: 2,600 m+

Provisions: 5

Time limit: 13 hours


Until we have the 2025 runner's guide, we bring you the most relevant information from the race:

Aid stations
Profile and transit time
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Mandatory material
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material obligatorio_edited.png
Categories and awards
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The route by sections


Prades - Capafonts

Leaving Prades, bidding on the road of the carved rock ends at the Tossal de la Baltassana and descending the cap to the Barranc del Tillar, to bidding cap to the Roca del Gringol you arrive at the first aid station. A cop arrives at the Pou de Glaç, waiting for the first big descent to go directly to the Ermita de les Barrulles on the trail that leads directly to the victuallament segon, Al Bar el Grevól de. Capafonts


La Febrò - Prades

Tram demanding a tendency to bid, on the way out of La Febrò on the Siurana road towards the Masos de Galceran on the way to start a descent towards the Riu de La Febrò and continue towards the end of arriving at the Riu Siurana on a more direct turn to bid for Grau del Nen de Prades and follow the road from Mas de l'Andreu to the Gritella victuallament. Sortim de l'avituallament offers the antennas ending at the Mirador de la Guardia, on a direct descent for a technical run ending at the GR171 track that will then lead directly to Prades.


Capafonts - La Febrò

Technical tram to visit La Forada de Capafonts i de Mont-ral. We will leave Capafonts along the Camí de la Llódriga and then detour further along the corridor towards the Font de l'Espluga Negra and cross the Barranc de la Llòdriga to take the corridor towards La Foradada de Capafonts. We will continue along Els Motllats along the north side until we arrive at La Foradada de Mont-ral and begin a descent towards the Bosquet aid station. A cop sortim del Bosquet, we will start a bid to return to the Pla dels Motllats and contemplate the views of the Costa Daurada. Baixarem dels motllats fins agafar el PR6 that will carry directly to La Febrò, without feeling abans fer a small bid to arrive at the mateix poble

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